Impacting factors on preceptorship development in an HIV/AIDS specialized service: an ethnographic research
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Multidisciplinary Residency Programme
Specialized Care Service Formación
Residencia Multiprofesional
Servicio Ambulatorio Especializado Formação
Residência Multiprofissional
Serviço Ambulatorial EspecializadO

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Aim:  to  identify  the  factors  impacting  on  the  development  of preceptorship  as  an  educational  method.  Method:  this  is  an  ethnographic  study  with  a qualitative approach. Five preceptors of a Multidisciplinary Residency Program took part in  the  research.  Data  collection  happened  between  April  and  June  2014.  The  data collected  were  interpreted  and  analysed  using  content  analysis,  while  Edgar  Morin's thoughts were used as the theoretical framework. Results: it is evident that the lack of training,  motivation  and  good  working  and  ethical conditions  represented  factors  which influenced the teaching and learning process. Discussion: the identified impacting factors are  challenges  that  accompany  the  preceptors  during  their  journey.  Given  this,  it  is recommended  that  there  be  an  association  between  the  seven  facets  of  essential knowledge  as  proposed  by  Morin,  and  practice.  Conclusion:  while  teaching  residents, there is  a long  and rough  path to  be followed when  seeking  quality  support  for  people with HIV/AIDS. In conclusion, it is necessary for preceptors to specialize in this area of education in order to improve the teaching of residents.
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