Emotional preparedness of health professionals in Family interviews: a hermeneutic study


Approaching families in order to convince them to donate organs is always a conversation filled with a heavy emotional load, and it is performed by experienced transplant coordinators. Aim: to understand the emotional preparedness of experienced transplant coordinators when approaching families of possible donors. Method: This study has a qualitative approach, in a hermeneutic method; the Committee of Ethics at UFF/HUAP approved it of under protocol #321/11. The data was obtained through semi-structured interviews, with eight open questions and 24 individuals, between January and May 2012. Results: The majority of the interviewees do not prepare themselves before approaching families and they also recognize the necessity to implement a support system to assist the emotional demands generated by their workload. Conclusion: Despite the fact they do not prepare themselves emotionally, professionals see the relevance of support to promote their own self-understanding and that makes them feel safer and prepared to approach families at such a sensitive moment.

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