Experiential knowledge of nursing residence preceptors: an ethnographic study
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Teaching Preceptoria
Educación en Enfermería
Educación de Posgrado
Hospitales de Enseñanza Preceptoria
Educação em Enfermagem
Educação de Pós-Graduação
Hospitais de Ensino

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Problem:  the  preceptor  assumes  responsibility  in  the  process  of teaching. Guidance and follow-up with residents are challenges due to the environment to  which  they  are  exposed.  Aims:  to  identify  how  experiential  knowledge  mobilizes pedagogical  knowledge  in  the  preceptors  of  nursing  residency,  and  to  discuss  training strategies  for  preceptors.  Method:  this  is  a  qualitative  and  ethnographic  research.  A seminar,  participant  observation  and  interviews  were  conducted,  following  Resolution 466/2012 of the CNS, under opinion number 183,578. Result: the preceptors highlighted their  experience  as  the  foundation  of  knowledge  and  as  a  precondition  for  the educational action of the preceptor. Discussion: the pedagogical training of the teacher must  take  place  according  to  learning  demands,  in  order  to  guide  them  in  the construction  of  a  pedagogically  active  position,  enabling  the resignification  of  work  and knowledge.  Conclusion:  experiential  knowledge  provides  integration  with  the  work context; the experience itself ensures the practice of the profession.
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