Problem: the preceptor assumes responsibility in the process of teaching. Guidance and follow-up with residents are challenges due to the environment to which they are exposed. Aims: to identify how experiential knowledge mobilizes pedagogical knowledge in the preceptors of nursing residency, and to discuss training strategies for preceptors. Method: this is a qualitative and ethnographic research. A seminar, participant observation and interviews were conducted, following Resolution 466/2012 of the CNS, under opinion number 183,578. Result: the preceptors highlighted their experience as the foundation of knowledge and as a precondition for the educational action of the preceptor. Discussion: the pedagogical training of the teacher must take place according to learning demands, in order to guide them in the construction of a pedagogically active position, enabling the resignification of work and knowledge. Conclusion: experiential knowledge provides integration with the work context; the experience itself ensures the practice of the profession.References
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