It is a dissertation project of Academic Master of Science in Health Care at Fluminense Federal University, whose objective is to evaluate from the learning experience of the nursing and medical students of a private institution in the country area of Rio de Janeiro, the limits and possibilities of instruction of health system management and its suitability to public policy. It is a qualitative study of descriptive and field-exploratory nature, to be held with 24 students from undergraduate courses in nursing and medicine. Data collection occurs through an interview in a focal group that will be treated based on the technique of discourse analysis. The ethical aspects have been respected in accordance with Resolution 196/96.
Brasil. Conselho Nacional de Educação. Câmara de Educação Superior. Resolução 3/2001 e 4/2001. Diário Oficial da República Federativa do Brasil, Brasília, 2001 Nov 9.1:37-8.
Fenili R, Terra M, Spricigo J, Gonçalves L. Reflection and interaction: a new perspective to the teaching of nursing by means of living learning. Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing. 2007. 6(2). Disponível em URL: http://www.objnursing.uff.br/index.php/nursing/article/view/j.1676-4285.2007.581
Mourão L, Martins R, Vieira C, Rossin E, L’Abbate S. Análise institucional e educação: reforma curricular nas universidades pública e privada. Educ.Soc. 2007 jan/abr; 28(98):181-210.