Poverty, Health Iniquities, and Human Development
Poverty, Health Iniquities, and Human Development

The Council of Science Editors organized a Global Theme Issue on Poverty and Human Development. The Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing (OBJN)  joined this effort to publish new original research, review articles, editorials, case studies, professional issues, and other types of articles on the subject of poverty, health iniquities, institutional racism/sexism (and other discriminatory ideologies), and human development.

Original Articles

Wiliam César Alves Machado, Amanda de Souza Santos
Disabled people, poverty and health public policies: Nursing care in the community appearance.
Maria Silvia Monteiro, Frida Marina Fischer, Maiara Denardi de Barros, Cínthia Mendes Rodrigues
Gender and work ability among public workers: a cross-sectional study
Rejane Antonello Griboski, Dirce Guilhem, Jaqueline Dias Castello Branco
Adolescent, Sexuality and Situations of Vulnerability. One Qualitative Study