Vol. 6 Núm. 3 (2007)

Artículos Originales

Hellen Roehrs, Mariluci Alves Maftum, Maguida Costa Stefanelli
Therapeutic communication underlying interpersonal relationship between elementary school adolescent and teacher
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Tatiana Brusamarello, Débora Fegadoli, Liliana Maria Labronici, Maria de Fátima Mantovani
Women resident in a female student housing: verse and reverse of self-care
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Patrícia Campos Leite, Miriam Aparecida Barbosa Merighi, Arlete Silva
The daily living experience of nursing woman-workers that display work related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMD) at optical heideggerian existential phenomenology
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Sonia Silva Marcon, Keli Regiane Tomeleri, Betina Barbedo Andrade, Lilian Denise Mai, Marta Elaine Serafim Santos
The conceptions of public healthcare nurses about care
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Marta Maria Coelho Damasceno, Ana Roberta Vilarouca da Silva, Hérica Cristina Alves de Vasconcelos, Márcio Flávio Moura de Araújo, Paulo César Almeida, Roberto Wagner Júnior Freire de Freitas
Overweight and obesity in public schools' adolescents from Fortaleza: an exploratory study
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Aline Maria da Silva, Maria do Carmo Querido Avelar
The Companion of the Adult Hospitalized Patient: nurses’ perception: a qualitative boarding
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Karenine Maria Holanda Cavalcante, Zuila Maria de Figueiredo Carvalho, Islene Victor Barbosa, Rita Mônica Borges Studart
Alterations in the fertility lived deeply by people with spinal cord injury: a qualitative research.
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Élissa Jôse Erhardt Rollemberg Cruz, Norma Valéria Dantas de Oliveira Souza, Márcia Tereza Luz Lisboa
Collective Defense Strategies: tactics to mitigate suffering in nurse’s hospital work
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Elias Barbosa Oliveira, Marcia Tereza Luz Lisboa
The impact of noise for the nursing workers health and the work process
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Marlene Coelho da Costa, Gabriela Unchalo Eckert, Fabiana Borba Valiatti, Pedro Paulo Bonomo, João Borges Fortes Filho
Incidence of retinopathy and neonatal nurse practioner’s role in prevention of blindness due to retinopathy of prematurity at Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Brazil – prospective observational descriptive study
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Vinícius Figueiredo Lopes, Jorge Luiz Lima Silva, Marilda Andrade
The professionals nursing perception about palliative cares to oncologic pediatric is of cure possibility patient: a study in phenomenological boarding of the relations human beings
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Rebeca Nunes Guedes, Ana Tereza Medeiros Cavalcanti da Silva, César Cavalcanti da Silva, Edméia de Almeida Cardoso Coelho, Waglânia de Mendonça Faustino e Freitas
The Marital Violence under a gender view: domination and possibility of destruction of the hegemonily idealized model of marriage.
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Eneida Rejane Rabelo, Graziella Badin Aliti, Fernanda Bandeira Domingues, Karen Brasil Ruschel, Anelise Oliveira Brun, Solange Braun Gonzalez
Impact of nursing systematic education on disease knowledge and self-care at a heart failure clinic in Brazil: prospective an interventional study
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Lorena Teresinha Consalter Geib, Rafael Rosso, Rodrigo Guerra Casarin, Cheila Mara Fréu, Gicela Praectorius Andrade, Magda Lahorgue Nunes
Iniquity in hospitalization due to pneumonia: cohort of liveborn infants
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Claudia Maria de Mattos Penna, Maria José Menezes Brito, Fernanda Porto
Equity and Resolution: Of Theory to Construction in the Daily of Health Professionals. A comprehensive study
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Artículos de Revisión

Maria Dalva Santos Alves, Ângela Maria Alves e Souza, Cynthia Dias Vieira, Talita Maciel Bezerra, Ana Caroline Cabral Cristino
Researches about suicide in Brazilian graduate program
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Cassiana Silva Rossi, Benedita Maria Rêgo Deusdará Rodrigues
The implications of the hospitalization for the child, his family and nursing team. A descriptive exploratory study. 
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Notas Previas

Cecília Helena Glanzner, Agnes Olschowsky, Luciane Prado Kantorski
Center of Psychosocial Attention (CAPS): worker’s mental health
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Márcia Ribeiro Braz, Marluci Andrade Conceição Stipp
Weaning from mechanical ventilation in post- operatory: a clinical essay
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Jenifer Adriana Domingues Guedes
Nursing and aids: memories of an epoch at the Nereu Ramos Hospital (1986 – 1996) – historical research
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Silviamar Camponogara, Flavia Regina Souza Ramos, Ana Lucia Cardoso Kirchhof
The ecologic reflexivity in the context of hospital work
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Pedro Miguel Garcez Sardo, Grace Teresinha Marcon Dal Sasso
Problem-based learning in cardiopulmonary resuscitation on a virtual learning environment – methodological research
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Marcio Wagner Camatta, Jacó Fernando Schneider
Family of users of a psychosocial attention center: a comprehensive analysis in Schütz - preview note
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Graciele Fernanda da Costa Linch, Laura de Azevedo Guido, Luiza de Oliveira Pitthan
Stressors identified for the patient submitted to Myocardial Revascularization and Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty - preview note.
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Márcia Barreto, Selma Petra
The process of introduction and implementation of the systematization of the nursing assistance at a hospitalization unit belonging to a private institution: a case study
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Shirley Rangel Gomes, Mônica de Castro Maia Senna
Assistance of nursing for the person with cerebral vascular accident - a proposal of study in municipal hospital
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Análisis y Comentarios

Mônica OB Oriá, Leila MP Moraes, Lorena B Ximenes, Rui VO Moreira
Theoretical-Philosophical insight about in vitro fertilization based on the Hans Jonas thought
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Thesis and Dissertations Abstracts

Rebeca Nunes Guedes, Ana Tereza Medeiros Cavalcanti da Silva
Marital Violence: Stating the Problems of Women Victims of oppression under a Gender View.
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Claudinei José Gomes Campos, Egberto Ribeiro Turato
The experience of person with chronic renal disease in hemodialysis: meanings attributed for the patients
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Marluci Andrade Conceição Stipp, Valéria Zadra de Mattos
Trainee program as a professional initiation of the nurse: a model of people management
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Ana Lúcia De Mattia, Maria Alice Fortes Gatto
The utilization of nursing hours in operating rooms, according to the patient’s complexity and the surgical anesthetic procedure.
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Maria Virginia Godoy da Silva, Estela Regina Ferraz Bianchi
Operating Room Nurses role: analysis of private and public hospitals in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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Roberto Carlos Lyra da Silva, Isaura Setenta Porto
The Meaning of the Care in Intensive Therapy and the (Dis)construction of the Speech of humanization in Technological Units
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Mauro Leonardo Salvador Caldeira dos Santos, Marcia Silva Valentim
First evaluation of nurse’s care at emergency rooms: the approximate of model the case management strategy
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Vera Nilda Neumann, Maria Édila Abreu Freitas
Quality of life at work: perceptions of the nursing team in the nosocomial organization. A phenomenological study
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Gisele Fráguas, Sônia Maria Soares
Coping of diabetic nephropathy in the family: an approach in perspective Calgary Family Assessment Model. A qualitative study
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Maria Teresinha de Oliveira Fernandes, Sônia Maria Soares
Work with groups in Family Health: concepts, structure and strategies for transcultural care. A qualitative study
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Léa Barroso, Marli Teresinha Gimeniz Galvão
Evaluation of the actions of control the vertical transmission of the HIV in a public maternity in Fortaleza-Ceará
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Daniela Aparecida Morais, Daclé Vilma Carvalho
Cardiorespiratory arrest in pre hospital environment: cases assisted by the mobile emergency service of Belo Horizonte. A quatitative study
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