This is the biography of the nurse, educator, professor, researcher and state deputy, Rosalda Cruz Nogueira Paim. Aim: The aim is to describe the personal and professional trajectory of this nurse who greatly contributed to the fluminense and to Brazilian nursing. Method: This is a historical and social narrative study. Results: Description of the facts and the phenomena of the biography in an analytical, contextual and thematic course. Discussion: The data are presented by themes: personal and professional trajectory: a personal and professional development guided by dedication to health and nursing; in defense of a broad social and political project: in defense of life; the title of emeritus professor: professional recognition; theoretical contributions: the systemism is a theory which established a new way of thinking and engaging in health and nursing. Conclusion: Paim created a model of methodological and theoretical systematization for Brazilian nursing which had an impact on health in particular and society in generalReferences
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