Absenteeism, turnover, and indicators of quality control in nursing care: a transversal study
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Organization and Administration
Personnel Management
Assistance. Enfermería
Organización y Administración
Administración de Personal
Asistencia. Enfermagem
Gestão de Pessoas

PlumX Metrics


Aim: to analyze the indexes of absenteeism and turnover, and their relationship  with  quality  indicators  in  assistance.  Method:  this  is  a  transversal  study, performed with records of absences/changes of 59 nursing professionals of an intensive care  unit;  records  of  quality/incidence  indicators,  and  medical  records  of the  108 patients  hospitalized  during  the  period  of  data  collection.  The  coefficient  of  linear correlation was used among the indicators of assisting management and quality control. Results:  the  average  rate  of  absenteeism  was  9.41%  (of  nurses)  and  12.52%  (of technicians);  turnover  rates  reached  2.53%  (nurses),  and  3.57%  (technicians).  There was  a  strong  correlation  (r>0.7)  between:  turnover  of  nurses  and  the  incidence  of accidental extubation (p=0.464); rate of absenteeism among technicians and the loss of nasoenteral  tube  (p=0.300);  pressure  injury  (p=0.100)  and  loss  of central  catheter (p=0.200), which was also correlated with the rate of absenteeism of nurses (p=0.113). Conclusion: the results demonstrated can subsidize new approaches for the management of personnel and better assistance, aiming to reduce the damages to the patient.
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