Objective: develop and evaluate a technical guide as an instructional and didactic resource to assist health professionals in the management of acquired syphilis and gestational syphilis cases. Method: methodological study with a quantitative approach. A technical guide was developed and submitted to a committee of experts. The responses were analyzed considering a minimum agreement of 80% for the criteria and descriptive statistics. Results: The “Technical Guide for the Management of Acquired Syphilis and Gestational Syphilis Cases” was created using PowerPoint, has 150 pages, and was made available in Portable Document Format. It was divided into sections covering the identification, care, reporting, and monitoring of acquired and gestational syphilis cases. In addition, two fictitious clinical cases were included for the application of the knowledge. The committee consisted of 5 nurses (83.3%) and 1 physician (16.7%), all practicing in Rio Grande do Sul, with a predominance of female members (83.3%). The mean age of the participants was 45.83±7.22 years, and the mean work experience was 7.3 (3.8-17) years. The agreement was 100% for all criteria. Conclusions: The guide proved to be an important instructional and didactic resource, providing a quick, objective reference for healthcare professionals.
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