The OBJN upgrade: now it is the official journal of the Professional Master in Nursing Program at the Fluminense Federal University Nursing School!


The  OBJN  complete  three  years  communicating  nursing  research  much  more quickly,   broadly,   and   openly   than   was   possible   through   traditional   print publications.  With  the  OBJN,  a  scholarly  publication,  the  Brazilian nursing  articles may be easily found and freely shared. In its third volume, the OBJN is moving toward more comprehensive context. It is leaving the NAIG (NURSING ACTIVITIES INTEREST GROUP) to be administered by the Professional  Master  in  Nursing  Program  at  the  Fluminense  Federal  University Nursing School. This upgrade will add value to the OBJN by enriching its editorial policy and linking the journal to a graduate program. Since  2001, the  OBJN expanded  its  subscription to  almost  2,000  subscribers. The OBJN  have  published  authors  from  Brazil  and  abroad with  the  collaboration  of  a international  Editorial  Board.  The  OBNJ  was  included  into  important  nursing  and health  references  databases  as  LATINDEX,  BIREME  (LIS-Regional),  CAPES  (C-Nacional),   CUIDEN,   RealNurseNet,   Nurselinx,   UNIFESP,   FreemedicalJournals,, DOAJ, Online Nurse Editors, and CINAHL. I am hopeful that the OBJN will be consolidate its trajectory under the coordination of  the  Professional  Master  in  Nursing.  To  develop  this  task,  we  will  have  the professors and the graduate students collaboration.
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