The health service’s reorienting requires an organizational design that focus on the lifestyles and health determinants, and as subject the health team and population; the implementation of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) boosted this reorganization. The study was developed in the city of Fortaleza and aimed to analyze the nurse’s practice of FHS in the adolescence pregnancy preventing in connection with the reorientation of health services. We used the focus group for data collection, and for analysis, the discursive practices, and we had as resources the association of idea’s maps. The reports revealed that the intersectoral actions are incipients, the school is seen as a partner in the development of projects that link education and health. The nurse has a relevant role in the team and her action must transcend the institutional spaces, with intersectoral and interdisciplinary actions of sexual education that integrate the family, school and community, contributing to the exercise of a responsible and safe sexual behavior.