Participation and care of mothers concerning the obesity control of adolescents: a descriptive study
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Cuidado com a Família
Saúde do Adolescente. Obesidad
Cuidado con la familia
Salud del adolescente. Obesity
Family Care
Adolescent Health.

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Aim: To identify how mothers of obese adolescents perceive their participation in the care and control of obesity. Method: This is a descriptive study, in which we used a qualitative approach, with 15 mothers of obese residents in Maringa, Paraná. Semi-structured interviews were conducted, recorded and submitted to content analysis. Results: Mothers do not consider obesity a disease; they acknowledge the importance of their participation in the habits of their children, guiding them to a healthy diet and the practice of physical activities. However, these habits are not adopted by the whole family. Moreover, they attribute to grandmothers a portion of the blame for the obesity of the adolescents. Discussion: It was observed that, even being conscious of their responsibility on the control of the obesity of their children, mothers do little to change this situation, prioritizing actions only related to food. Conclusions: It is necessary to better prepare mothers so they can act more effectively to control the obesity of their children.
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