Vol. 6 No. 0 (2007)
Nursing Science Training for Undergraduates

Invited Editorial

Alacoque L Erdmann, Lorita MF Pagliuca
Nursing science training for undergraduates: a guide to research

Original Articles

Maria Gaby R de Gutiérrez, Taís C Arthur, Selma M da Fonseca, Maria Clara C Matheus
The cancer and its treatment and its impact on the patients’ life. A qualitative study
Ana Luiza Santos de Carvalho, Saiwori de Jesus da Silva Bezerra, Nilza Maria de Abreu Leitão, Mirella Teixeira Joca, Ana Karina Bezerra Pinheiro
Carrying, keeping and use of masculine preservative among young people in Fortaleza – a descriptive study
Ana Carolina B Lucarini, Claudinei José G Campos
The search for the accomplishment of the preventive examination of cancer cytology: a qualitative study
Roberta Soares Sarlo, Ana Cristina Passarella Brêtas
The political participation of undergraduated nursing students. An exploratory study
Aline Modelski Schatkoski, Vanessa Menezes Catalan, Ana Paula Scheffer Schell da Silva, Rosa Helena Kreutz Alves, Eva Neri Rubim Pedro, Ana Luísa P. Cogo
Hypertext, educational game, and simulation concerning oxygen therapy and their use by nursing students. An exploratory study
Liliana M. Labronici, Maria de F. Mantovani, Débora Fegadoli, Gisele Jarek, Marcos A.M. Arcoverde
Victims and assailants’ profile of sexual abuse from an outpatient clinic. A descriptive study
Sonia S Marcon, Karina S Pedro
Profile and life experience of informal caretakers of patients with chronic disease. An exploratory study
Sonia Silva Marcon, Nataly Tsumura Inocêncio Soares, Anelize Helena Sassá
Users perception on their relationship with health professionals.  An exploratory study
Mônica Motta Lino, Vânia Marli Schubert Backes, Sandra Marcia Soares Schmidt, Fabiane Ferraz, Marta Lenise do Prado, Sabrina Telma Martins
The reality of Nursing Continuing Education in the Public Health Services. A descriptive study
Beatriz Guitton RB Oliveira, Fernanda Ferreira da S Lima
The sociodemographic and clinical profile of clients with cutaneous wounds.
Maria Angélica P Waidman, Aline F da Rocha, Ana Rita Z de Paschoa, Cremilde AT Radovanovic
Experiencing problems of the health in family: the implementation of the theoretical-methodological proposal of care
Kriscie K. Venturi, Maria R Lacerda, Samantha R Oliniski, Clélia M Giacomozzi, Thiago C Truppel
The kinds of home health care and the practice of health professionals - exploratory and descriptive research  
Micaele Cristina de Lima, Rafaela Teotônio de Melo Araújo, Elizabeth Vasconcelos Trigueiro, Maria Miriam Lima da Nóbrega, Telma Ribeiro Garcia
Theoretical definitions of terms attributed to nursing phenomena identified in a school hospital. A systematic review
Iraci dos Santos, Tatiane Dourado
Activities of the nurse: direct and indirect care to the hospitalized client. A descriptive study

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Pamela Camila Fernandes Rumor, Márcia Grisotti, Adalbi Cilonei Souza, Astrid Eggert Boehs
The itinerary of families with children from 0 to 6 years of age in the search for health care. Preview Note
Joice Cristina Guesser, Marisa Monticelli, Astrid Eggert Boehs, Taise Gehrmann, Kamila Paiva
Leininger’s Theory and its use as framework for the professional practice in the nursing master’s dissertations at the UFSC. A preview note

Case Study

Beatriz Guitton RB Oliveira, Eliane Pedra Dias, Juliana de Oliveira Araújo, Pricila Rodrigues Leonor, Mariana Morgado Ribeiro
Bony Metaplasia associated with the delay in the ulcer healing in diabetic patient . A case study