This study had as object the vocabulary which the different components of the nursing team use in practice. The primary objective was to contribute to the construction of a database essential of nursing to be introduced in systems of information. The specific objectives were to identify, in the literature and in other nursing terminologies, the meaning of the terms related to nursing phenomena, identified and mapped at school hospital's clinics, and to develop theoretical definitions for the terms classified in the axis Focus of ICNP Version 1. The following methodological stages were used: review of the literature for the identification of the meaning of the terms; mapping of the meaning of the terms and, statement of the theoretical definitions. This last stage was developed by nurses, nursing undergraduate students, and nursing postgraduate students, which participate in the Group of Studies and Research in Fundamentals of Nursing Assistance. One expect that the results of the study could, not only, contribute to the construction of a nursing essential database, which integrates the scientific and practical knowledge of the profession but, at the same time, be more sensitive to our reality and that includes terms related to nursing phenomena in order to facilitate the use of a professional common language.
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