Objective: To validate the appearance of the board game entitled “Mural do Risco” (“Risk Wall”) on HIV/AIDS prevention with older adults in a school context. Method: A methodological study of semantic/face validation with older adults in a school context as target audience, guided by Pasquali's model. An instrument with 20 items referring to the objective, organization, writing style, appearance, and motivation domains was applied. Data collection, carried out synchronously with 10 older adults, took place in January and February 2021. For the analysis, a minimum Semantic Agreement Index equal to or above 0.80 was considered. Result: All the items obtained a Semantic Agreement Index equal to or above 0.80 and the suggestions were fully accepted, which made it possible to structure the final version of the game. Conclusion: The face validation process carried out with the aged population in a school context evidenced that the board game entitled...
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