As an emerging field of study, Implementation Science (IS) draws our attention to the importance of, after outlining and evaluating the best evidence on a research problem, advancing towards testing, applying and assessing the findings, in order to verify the repercussions of what has been generated and thus contribute to the global health practice(1).
One of the challenges of IS concerns the existence of a range of information that remains static in virtual databases, which does not ensure successful implementations on its own, with the need for continuity projects to compile, test, evaluate and apply such information, “in an attempt to reduce the "know-do gap" observed between the literature and the real world”(1;7).
Considering these introductory remarks, it is worth reflecting on the need to think about continuity projects, particularly with regard to methodological research (MR), considering the increasing number of these studies in Brazilian Nursing. Such studies point to technological solutions that have been produced, validated or evaluated, although not necessarily implemented in the practice.
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