Thesis project developed with the Doctorate Graduation Program in Nursing, Department of Nursing, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Objective: to identify the predictive factors for the classification of the quality of the corneal tissue captured by the eye bank as excellent, good, regular or poor. Method: epidemiological study with a quantitative approach, by designing a cohort, longitudinal, descriptive and analytical. The research protocol is approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. The collected data will be submitted to statistical analysis in order to point out the predictive factors of the different levels of classification of the corneas captured for donation.References
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Cruz GKP, Ferreira Júnior MA. Cornea transplantation in Rio Grande do Norte: epidemiological and clinical aspects. Online brazilian Journal Nursing, Brazil, v.15, n.(suppl), p.579-82, 2016.

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