Aim: to measure the stress levels of nursing professionals from the surgical center of a university hospital in northeastern Brazil. Method: this is a descriptive and cross-sectional study using a quantitative approach that was performed with 57 workers from the researched sector. The data collection was performed in February 2015, through the application of a sociodemographic questionnaire and the Lipp Stress Symptom Inventory. Result: it was verified that only 11 (19.3%) professionals presented some stage of stress; however, a concern is pointed out in the study regarding the stage of stress in which workers are: resistance. This indicates that stress is no longer in its initial phase. Regarding the inferential analysis of the data, it was evidenced that the practice of physical activity is a protective factor against the incidence of stress. Conclusion: although the investigated sector has potentially stressful characteristics, being a closed sector, the population investigated presented low levels of stress incidence.References
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