Corneal transplantation, clinical and epidemiological profile: descriptive and analytical study


Objective: To determine the distribution and clinical and epidemiological characterization of patients waiting for corneal transplantation and those transplanted with corneal tissue, accoding to time, place and characteristics of the individuals. Method: Quantitative, cross-sectional epidemiological study including all patients in the waiting line and those transplanted with corneal tissue in a reference service from 2010 to 2014. Guiding point: How is the distribution and clinical and epidemiological characterization of corneal transplantations performed in a reference service, and patients in the waiting line, according to time, place and characteristics of the individuals in the state of Rio Grande do Norte? Data were collected and generated two databases, compiled and submitted to statistical analysis using association measures (qui-square) and significance difference (Student’s t-test and ANOVA).
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