Objective: To apprehend on the mothers' experience regarding the follow-up of their children by the primary care service after discharge from the maternity hospital. Methods: A qualitative research using Alfred Schütz's Social Phenomenology framework. 23 mothers took part in an interview at their homes in Regional de Saúde, Paraná, Brazil, in 2018. Results: Four categories emerged from the analysis of the participants' testimonies. The “reasons why” pointed out three: Understanding about the Network and the care process at discharge from maternity; First postpartum week: Home care network for newborns; Neonatal period: Child follow-up in primary care. As for the “reasons for”, one emerged: Expectations for child care in the Network. Conclusion: The Network in the municipalities under study does not offer systematic monitoring for child health in the neonatal period, referring to exposure to the greatest risk of harms due to the restricted promotion and prevention actions.References
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