Aim: describe the degree of stress of the shipyard workers, according to the dimensions of demand and control. Method: descriptive research of the sectional type. A self-applied structured questionnaire was used. Demand and control were measured by the scale adapted to Portuguese, based on the short version of the Job Stress Scale. Results: among the 114 participants, the following points were presented.: Demand 11 points, with 63.2% of workers below the median; and Control 12 points, most employees with scores below the median (57.9%). Most of the workers were in low demand (36.8%). Discussion: the environment and the proper relationship to the work activity, according to the conditions in which they occur, can also produce physical and mental wear. Conclusion: the low demand situation provides greater motivation to create and develop positive behavior at work. It’s should also be alert to the need to develop inter-institutional and multidisciplinary actions in mental health and work.References
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