Nursing perceptions of the benefits of ludicity on care practices for children with cancer: a descriptive study
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Play and Playthings
Pediatric Nursing
Neoplasms Juego e Implementos de Juego
Niño Hospitalizado
Enfermería Pediátrica
Neoplasias Jogos e Brinquedos
Criança Hospitalizada
Enfermagem Pediátrica

PlumX Metrics


Aim: To describe the benefits of using ludicity during care practices for hospitalised children with cancer, according to the perceptions of the nursing team. Method: This is a qualitative, descriptive research, carried out with the help of a nursing team in a paediatric inpatient ward for children with cancer. The collection of data was performed using non-participative observations and semi-structured interviews. The data was treated using thematic analysis. Results: The benefits of ludicity include, better adherence to treatment, improvements in relationships between the nursing team and the child, and improvements in the acceptance of caring proceedings.Discussion: According to the perception of the professionals, ludicity facilitates the process of adapting the child to hospital, and improves the relationship between the child and the nursing team. Conclusion: Ludicity brings benefits to the hospitalised child, as it helps them to adapt and provides a more qualified and humanised healthcare service.
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