Reactions of family members of children diagnosed with cancer: a descriptive study
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Oncology Nursing
Child Enfermería Oncológica
Niño Enfermagem Oncológica

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Aims: to identify the reactions of relatives after a diagnosis of pediatric cancer; to describe the work of the nursing team based on these reactions; to analyze the expectation of the family regarding nursing care based on the diagnosis of pediatric cancer. Method: this is a qualitative, descriptive research performed in an onco-hematologic ward located in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. For data collection, semi-structured interviews were used. Results: this study generated some thematic units: the reactions of relatives based on the diagnosis of pediatric cancer; the work of the nursing team based on the reactions of the family of the child with the diagnosis of cancer; expectation of the relatives regarding the work of the nursing team on the relatives of the child with cancer. Discussion: relatives have feelings such as despair, fear of death, guilt, revolt and denial, making it necessary to include the relatives in nursing care procedures. Conclusion: to provide for the necessities of the relatives, caring must provide comfort, support, and a clear communication about the illness, in order to minimize their suffering.
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