Receptiveness to the teenager in nursing consultation - descriptive study
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Public Health
Life Sciences
Nursing. Salud Pública
Ciencias de la vida
Enfermería. Saúde Pública
Ciências da Vida

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Aim: To understand the relationship of nurses with the teenage mother in childcare consultation under the approach of the receptiveness. Method: A qualitative study was conducted from February to May 2011 in a Family Health Basic Unit of Fortaleza-CE, using systematic observation and semi-structured interview. Attended by five nurses and three teenage mothers who accompanied their children on this service. The information gathered from the interviews was subjected to content analysis from Bardin, from which emerged the categories: Receptiveness and listening; Reception ambience. Results: The receptiveness for the subject brings the significance of listening, responsiveness and includes forms of service organization engaging nurses. Discussion: The receptiveness, listening and reception ambience are important aspects of attention. Conclusion: Listening is a tool that nurses use to realize the receptiveness to the teenage mother to da �; dЂ�q�.
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