Objective: to analyze the effectiveness of educational technology on contraception with adolescent students. Method: quasi-experimental study with 85 adolescents from the Federal Institute of Ceará, Campus Aracati. The effectiveness of the educational game was analyzed using statistical tests, comparing the difference in knowledge before and after the intervention. Results: the most known contraceptive methods were oral contraceptives (33.1%) and condoms (44.1%). The adolescents had poor prior knowledge and after the intervention, there was an increase in the percentage of correct answers in all items, with a statistically significant difference in five of them (p <0.001). The effectiveness of the game was confirmed by the comparative analysis of the average number of correct answers before and after the intervention (p<0.001). Discussion: educational actions on the theme must use creative and innovative technologies, leading to improved knowledge that favors the promotion of sexual and reproductive health of this audience. Conclusion: the educational game was effective in improving the knowledge of adolescents regarding contraception.References
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