Objective: cross mapping the concepts of nursing diagnoses/outcomes for the Medical Clinic of a teaching hospital with the concepts of the ICNP® 2017. Method: this is a methodological study developed to cross-map the concepts of nursing diagnoses/outcomes to the Medical Clinic with the concepts of nursing diagnoses/outcomes of the ICNP® 2017. Result: the cross-mapping was performed of 101 Medical Clinic Nomenclature concepts with 852 ICNP® 2017 concepts, obtaining 97 concepts of nursing diagnoses/outcomes. Discussion: The Medical Clinic Nomenclature consisted of 97 concepts, of which 69 (71.2%) were constant and 28 (28.8%) were not included in the ICNP® 2017. Conclusion: cross-mapping showed that most of the concepts in the Medical Clinic Nomenclature are contained in the ICNP® 2017, corroborating the use of standardized nursing language, bringing relevance and benefits to the practice of the profession.
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