Educational support for patients with intestinal provisional stoma: a descriptive study
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Oncologic Nursing
Health education. Enfermería
Enfermería Oncológica
Educación en Salud. Enfermagem Colostomia Enfermagem Oncológica Educação em Saúde

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Method: A descriptive exploratory study that will be developed in the abdomino-pelvic ambulatory surgery of Cancer Hospital I, located in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro. The study subjects will be surgery patients who have received treatment for colorectal neoplasia with the construction of temporary intestinal stoma. Aims: 1- Develop an educational protocol of nursing care for patients undergoing surgery for the treatment of colorectal neoplasia with the construction of temporary intestinal stoma; 2- Apply the protocol; 3- Discuss the educational protocol of nursing care with patients undergoing colorectal surgery with the construction of temporary intestinal stoma, focusing on self-care. The results will be collated, categorized and analyzed according to Orem’s Self-Care Theory and the work of other authors. The project was approved by the Ethics Committee in Research of the National Cancer Institute on 07.19.2011 under No. CAAE-0008.0.007.007-11.
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