This article originated from the second category that emerged on the professional master's dissertation entitled "Educational technology as a strategy for the use of gloves by nursing professionals aiming the contact precaution", presented to the Review Board of the nursing school Aurora de Afonso Costa, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF – Fluminense Federal University). Aim: to identify the factors that interfere in the adhesion and/or adequacy of the precautionary contact measures in the use of procedure sterile gloves by the nursing team. Method: this is a methodological study using a quantitative approach, with a total of 66 participants distributed in four stages. In the first stage, 45 nursing professionals from the surgical clinics were interviewed in a university hospital between January and March 2014. Results: 93% of the professionals report a failure in the use of gloves and only 7% do not observe failures. Conclusion: the suitability of gloves is crucial for the safety of patients, professionals, society and the environment.References
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