Experience the death of victims of trauma in ready-salvage descriptive study
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Enfermagem em emergência
Atitude frente a morte
Serviço hospitalar de emergência. Enfermería de Urgencia
Actitud Frente a la Muerte
Servicio de Urgencia en Hospital. Emergency Nursing
Attitude to Death
Hospital Emergency Service.

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Objective: To analyze how nurses experience the death of victims of trauma in the emergency room unit.  Method: Descriptive qualitative study using semi-structured interviews with eight nurses from a service breakdown of Curitiba-PR, dealt with the content analysis of Bardin. Results: Three categories emerged: The first describes what the fighting before the death of a trauma victim, the second address to the feelings of nurses in the face of death and the third talks about the difference is the experience of the death of traumatized and chronic patients. Discussion: feelings about the trauma of death differs from those of a chronic patient, for the first situation represents one break the natural cycle of life and can cause intense frustration to the professional, while the second can be a relief to human suffering . Conclusion: When facing death, nurses are not devoid of professionalism, feelings and emotions.

Keywords: Emergency nursing; Death, Attitude to death; Hospital emergency.


Received: 09/07/2011

Approved: 04/03/2012

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