Aim: Understand the significance of the incorporation of the pressure injury protocol in the care management performed by nurses. Method: Qualitative research using a methodological framework based on the Grounded Theory. Data were collected through a semi-structured interview, with 22 nurses from a university hospital, from July to September 2014. Results: The central phenomenon "Making the Pressure Injury Protocol meaningful as a Nursing Qualification Tool for Managerial Care", composed of the category "Qualifying the professionals for the management of care" and its four subcategories, which are: "Perceiving the professional qualification from the protocol", "Considering the protocol a teaching tool", "Perceiving the protocol as an instrument of education in service", and "Evidencing the importance of protocols in patient safety". Conclusion: The study showed that the protocol is a tool of care, as well as an instrument of education in service, which makes management of care safer and also promotes professional qualification.References
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