Objective: To develop tools for the selection of experts for stages in the development of terminological subsets of the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP). Method: This is a methodological research study. The criteria identified in the integrative literature review formed the basis for two questionnaires, analyzed by 21 evaluators in two rounds. The first questionnaire was organized with six domains and 38 criteria, and the second with five domains and 23 criteria, focusing on stages of terminological subset development. A Content Validation Index ≥ 0.80 was adopted. Results: The criteria were allocated into five organizing domains. Four instruments were developed: i) cross-mapping – 18 criteria; ii) operational definition – 15 criteria; iii) content validation – 17 criteria; and iv) clinical applicability – 13 criteria. Conclusion: Instruments with criteria for selecting experts in the development of terminological subsets were developed, which, if used, can contribute to the rigor of expert selection and the safety of the validation process.
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