This study is linked to the master program of post-graduate degree in Nursing, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, aims to characterize the significance of nursing care to nurses who work in hemodialysis; Identify from nurses’ performance in hemodialysis: the context of care, strategies for action / interaction, intervening factors and the related implications for care, examine the dynamics of hemodialysis care in seeking the understanding of the distinction and complementarity between the expressive and procedural, to propose a substantive theory relating the meaning ascribed to nephrologist care by nurses with the care offered to clients on hemodialysis with a view to recovery of the human. Qualitative study of type grounded theory using the theoretical Symbolic Interactionism. The scenario is a university hospital in Rio de Janeiro and the subjects are nurses working in hemodialysis. For data collection will be adopted semi-structured interviews and systematic observation. The analysis will follow the guidance of grounded theory.
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Lorenzini-Erdmann A.Schaefer-Ferreira-de-Mello A.Andrade S.Drago L. Organization of care practices in the health network Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing [periódico online]. 2011 [Acesso em 2011 maio 8]; 10(1). Disponível em: http://www.objnursing.uff.br/index.php/nursing/article/view/3220