The need to become family caregivers: Grounded Theory
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Patient Discharge
Family Caregiver Enfermería
Paciente de Alta
Cuidador Familiar Enfermagem
Alta Hospitalar
Cuidador Familiar

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Aim: To discuss the relationship between the family and hospital discharge regarding manifestations, attitudes, feelings and practices. Method: The Theory Based on Data Approach, with semi-structured interviews and unsystematic participant observation was used as an approach. The research was undertaken in a public hospital in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Nine family members who are caregivers for a relative subsequent to a stroke, participated. Results: The categories "Facing the unexpected," "Recognizing the need for care after discharge" and "Realizing one’s importance in the recovery of the relative" emerged. Discussion: The data showed an understanding on the part of the family with regard to the need to care for relative affected by stroke, highlighting the duality evident in this experience. Conclusion: The impact caused by the stroke and the need to take care of the relative at home highlights the importance of subjectivity and exchange of knowledge, being necessary to comply with the expectations and meanings of each family caregiver.
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