Drug preparation performed by a medication team: a descriptive study
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Seguridad del Paciente
Cuidado Intensivo Neonatal
Sistemas de Medicación
Preparaciones Farmacéuticas Patient Safety
Intensive Care
Medication Systems
Pharmaceutical Preparations Segurança do Paciente
Terapia Intensiva Neonatal
Sistemas de Medicação
Preparações Farmacêuticas

PlumX Metrics


The medication team is a work group formed by nurses who dedicate themselves to the stages of the medication system, with certain uniformity in the accomplishment of the activities; however, no standardization of their work process was developed. Aim: describe the preparation of enteral medications and parenteral solutions by the medication team in the neonatal unit. Method: this is a qualitative, descriptive study that uses the action research method. The subjects were the nurses of the medication team of the neonatal unit. Data collection consisted of: document search; observation of medication preparation; and collection of problems at the medication team meeting. Results: updating of the theme and attributions of the nursing team of the neonatal unit; construction of flowcharts related to the preparation of medicines. Conclusion: the study allowed implementing interventions in the preparation of medicines carried out by the study subjects, standardizing the steps and defining the work relationships of the nursing team.
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