Validation of an instrument for the history of maternal and child nursing using Horta: a methodological study
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Nursing Care
Nursing Theory
Maternal-Child Nursing
Pregnant Women
Postpartum Period Atención de Enfermería
Teoría de Enfermería
Enfermería Maternoinfantil
Mujeres Embarazadas
Periodo Posparto Cuidados de Enfermagem
Teoria de Gestantes
Período Pós-Parto

PlumX Metrics


Aim: to elaborate an instrument for the nursing history stage focused on maternal and child health service. Method: methodological study, with validation of content of an instrument for the nursing history for maternal and child service, based on the reference of Wanda Horta. Results: the form contains the following information: identification; vital signs, blood glucose and anthropometric data; clinical data and laboratory tests; interview and observation of the patient; physical examination and basic human needs; printouts. Other needs related to the area (reproduction/growth and development) not provided for by the underlying theory that gave grounds for the study were added. There was an overall content validity index of 0.81 for clarity, 0.85 for relevance, 0.92 for comprehensiveness, and 0.81 for organization. Conclusion: instrument built and validated based on Wanda Horta's theory, aimed at the maternal and child clientele, providing an important instrument to document the first stage of the nursing process.
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