Perceptions of professionals on neonatal pain: a descriptive study
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Educação em Saúde
Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal Enfermería
Educación en Salud
Unidades de Cuidado Intensivo Neonatal Nursing
Health Education
Intensive Care Units

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Aim: to know the perceptions of health professionals about pain in a neonatal intensive care unit. Method: this is an exploratory, descriptive, qualitative study, carried out from March to November 2013 with 10 nurses, 40 nursing technicians, two physiotherapists and six nursing residents of a School Maternity in Rio de Janeiro. The data collection technique was an educational intervention, where the speeches were transcribed and submitted to the analysis of thematic content. Results: three categories emerged: "Identifying and evaluating newborn pain in painful situations"; "Promoting non-pharmacological management of pain"; "Identifying the barriers to pain management in the Neonatal Unit". Conclusion: in the perception of the professionals, the pain exists, and the evaluation and the management are present in their daily life; however, the knowledge about the subject is still embryonic and needs to be deepened so that there is applicability in the clinical practice of care.
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