Educational games for health literacy improvement in people with diabetes: a protocol for scoping review
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Diabetes Mellitus
Health Literacy
Play and Playthings
Self Care Interacionismo Simbólico
Teoria Fundamentada
Saúde da Criança

PlumX Metrics


Objective: To map educational games that help improve health literacy in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) to enhance self-care. Method: This protocol is guided by the Joanna Briggs Institute, with the research question formulated using PCC: Population (people with type 2 DM); Concept (educational games for health literacy improvement); and Context (empowerment for self-care), generating: “What educational games can be used to improve health literacy and empower people with type 2 diabetes mellitus for self-care?”. Search will be conducted in PubMed, Scopus, LILACS, Information, Science & Technology, Google Scholar, the CAPES Thesis and Dissertation Catalogue and Open Access Scientific Repositories from Portugal. The selection of articles will be done in two stages, with two researchers and another reviewer to resolve conflicts, using Rayyan software. Data extraction will be done using a form adapted from the JBI. The analysis will be descriptive, and the results will be presented in flowcharts, graphs and/or tables. Expected outcomes: Games could be educational strategies to work with people living with type 2 DM to improve self-care. The results may highlight existing gaps. Conclusion: Findings will serve as a basis for nonpharmacological treatment to improve self-care in this population.
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