Objective: To map the simulators used as a health education strategy for people with diabetes mellitus. Method: This is a scoping review based on the recommendations of the Joanna Briggs Institute, conducted through a literature search strategy in PubMed Central, Web of Science, Scopus, ERIC, BDTD, and RCAAP databases. The analysis of the identified studies was performed by two independent review authors. Data were analyzed descriptively, resulting in the preparation of tables and statistics of absolute and relative frequencies. Results: A total of 226 studies were identified, of which nine formed the final sample. The use of the Human Patient Simulator was identified in 78% of the studies, followed by low-cost simulator and simulation tool (11% each). All strategies showed positive results. Conclusions: The simulators used include the Human Patient Simulator, the low-cost simulator, and the simulation tool, all of which show equally satisfactory results.
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