Objective: to analyze racial biases in the context of morbidity and mortality due to COVID-19 of Brazilian pregnant women from an intersectional perspective. Method: an ecological, documental study using epidemiological bulletins intended to monitor the novel coronavirus in Brazil. Data were collected in March and April 2021 and analyzed using descriptive statistics mediated by the intersectional theory-based methodology. Results: Afro-descendant pregnant women presented an average prevalence rate of 65.18% hospitalizations and 70.85% deaths due to COVID-19 in 2020. On the other hand, the average prevalence rate of hospitalizations and deaths among Caucasian pregnant women was 32.32% and 27.23%, respectively. Conclusion: A greater difficulty to access prenatal care, a high prevalence rate of comorbidities, poor working conditions and impossibility to leave work during the pandemic, institutional racism, and necropolitics adopted by the Brazilian government are potential explanations for the vulnerable context faced by this population.
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