Objective: To apprehend the impacts affecting men residing in Brazil during the Covid-19 pandemic concerning work dimensions. Method: A socio-historical, qualitative study carried out during the Covid-19 pandemic with 400 adult and old males residing in Brazil. An on-line form was applied. Data were analyzed based on the Discourse of the Collective Subject, interpreted according to the Dialectic Historical Materialism. Results: The Covid-19 pandemic did cause and intensify impacts: overload resulting from home-office jobs; inadequacies as to the work and exposition to contamination by the Coronavirus; stress and fear to be contaminated at work and losing employment; difficulties to maintain economic/financial conditions and unexpected adaptations in work performance. Conclusion: The dimensions of the work environment did intensify both social and health vulnerabilities for men in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, rebounding on even higher exposure to SARS-CoV 2 and daily life stressors.
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