Symbolic interactionism, grounded theory, and child and adolescent health: A scoping review protocol


Objective: To map the theoretical-methodological application of symbolic interactionism and grounded theory to child and adolescent health care research data. Method: Studies will be considered in terms of: participants: children, youth, and their caregivers (both professional and nonprofessional); concepts: symbolic interactionism and grounded theory; and context: any setting in which care for children and youth is promoted. The search strategy will be applied to 12 electronic data sources and will follow the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) methodology. Inclusion criteria will be: national and international articles, regardless of research approach, with no language or time frame restrictions. There are no exclusion criteria. The processes of study selection and synthesis will be carried out with the support of Rayyan and NVivo version 13 software, respectively. The protocol is registered in the Open Science Framework:
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