This study has as its objective to investigate possible violent acts suffered by children and adolescents through lesions caused by burns .In order to do so , children and adolescents ranging from 0 to 19 years old of a unit for burned people of the hospital HGE -Ba were used as the target population.For the collect of the data , structered interviews with victims and their responsible ones as well as the documental analysis done through information from clinic files of the target population were used .The analysis of the quantitative data was done using the Excel computer program and the qualitative data was analysed through elaboration of categories .As a result of this study, it was identified that lesions of burn had as their causes the body Violence ( 11,5%),Negligence (48,1%) and Accidents ( 40,4%) .Therefore , professionals of the health area should be trained with the aim of identifying the lesions that denounce violent acts and offering subsidies for violent prevention programs as to serve as a reference for future studies on this topic .
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