Objective:To investigate clinical manifestations, risk factors, treatment, and preventionof newborns affected by COVID-19reported in the scientific literature.Method:This wasan integrative review carried out in May 2020 in the LILACS, MEDLINE, and Virtual HealthLibrarydatabases, via the combination of the controlled terms newborn,COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2.Results:Seven studies composed the final sample, five of which were from China,where the first cases of neonatal infection were reported.Discussion:Evidence-base 5www.objnursing.uff.brchecklist de metadadospractice is essential for neonatal care in light of the current pandemic context, whichrequires constantupdates about therapeutic approaches.Conclusion:Preventionmeasures are important, because there are gaps related to COVID-19 treatment innewborns. Clinical manifestations can vary from respiratory symptoms to gastrointestinaland cutaneous symptoms. Although the cases reported seem to have been acquiredin thepostnatal period, more studies and evidence areneededto clarify the risk of verticaltransmission
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