Objective: To understand the representations of puerperal women regarding the assistance received during delivery. Method: A qualitative research study, carried out in two public maternity hospitals between August and September 2017 with 25 puerperal women. The methodological framework of the Collective Subject Discourse was used. Results: The speeches were grouped in two themes: 1) Humanization and satisfaction with the moment of delivery; 2) Inadequate ambience and suffering generated by assistance during delivery. Discussion: The puerperal women pointed out problems in the physical structure of the maternity hospitals, but represented the care received during delivery as satisfactory, as they reported having been supported by the health team. However, in some speeches unpleasant situations emerged, referring to the use of unnecessary interventions, non-reception and lack of privacy. Conclusion: The puerperal women were satisfied with the care received during delivery, although they showed some dissatisfaction.
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