To analyze the adherence, non-adherence, and abandonment of the follow-up of children referred to the high-risk reference centers of the Paraná Mothers’ Network. Method: A convergent parallel mixed study. The study locus will be represented by the high-risk outpatient clinics of the Paraná Mothers’ Network of a Regional Health Area in the state of Paraná. The population will be of children referred to the outpatient clinics from January 2015 to December 2019, the relatives of children who attended, did not adhere and/or abandoned the follow-up in these centers, as well as city’s managers and professionals working in the regional headquarters of this Regional Health Area. The analysis of the quantitative data will be performed through spatial autocorrelation. It is intended to use exploratory analysis of spatial data to determine the existence of Global Spatial Autocorrelation and Local Spatial Autocorrelation Index. The interview data will be analyzed on the DSCsoft software...
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Sampaio LM, Reis AP, Neves GAO, Andrade DL. Street network: importance of prenatal follow-up and linking of pregnant to reference maternity. Cienc Cuid Saude [Internet]. 2018 [cited 2020 jul 25]; 17(1):1–7. Available from: http://periodicos.uem.br/ojs/index. php/CiencCuidSaude/article/view/38384. doi: 10.4025/cienccuidsaude.v17i1.38384

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