OBJECTIVE: To identify the social representations of motherhood from pregnant and lactating women in the prison system. METHOD: qualitative study, anchored in the assumptions of the Theoretical Paradigm of Social Representations in the structural aspect, with the presence of the central core theory and mute zone. The research will be developed at the female prisons of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. For data collection, the sociodemographic questionnaire and the Free Word Association Technique will be used. Later, lexical analysis and the analysis of central and dispersion trends will be performed. EXPECTED RESULTS: We expect to identify the social representations of motherhood by pregnant and lactating women in the prison system, from the symbolic world of these women who consolidate themselves as mothers in the world of the incarceration system. Then, we are aimed at making this topic tangible and, consequently, provide the perspective of health policies in this context, as well as providing a deep reflection on behalf of nursing professionals.References
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