Aim: To describe the semantic validation process of an instrument for assessing health needs for people with physical, hearing and visual impairment (IANS-PcDFAV). Method: This is a methodological study carried out between April and May 2016, regarding the semantic and appearance validation stage. Eight disabled persons, registered in three support institutions, responded to three instruments: general and specific impression questionnaire and the IANS-PcDFAV. Brainstorm technique was used. It was analyzed by descriptive statistics and by the frequency of the presented answers. Results: The instrument was considered important or very important, with items that are easy to understand. Of the 32 original items, eight were changed for the better understanding and four were negativated, one in each dimension. Conclusion: The instrument was comprehensible for all strata of the studied population, confirming it as valid in terms of semantics and appearance.References
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