Aim: analyze the perspectives of implementation and effectiveness of the realistic simulation method in nursing undergraduate teaching, from the point of view of teaching nurses who chose to use the method in their disciplines. Method: Descriptive exploratory study with a qualitative approach. Participants were teaching nurses from a private university. In the data collection, performed through a semi-structured interview, perceptions about the implementation and effectiveness of the realistic simulation method were recorded. The reports were grouped in thematic categories, according to the theoretical reference Thematic Content Analysis of Minayo. Result: the steps taken, training for simulation-based teaching and facilitating factors in the implementation of the method, were identified. Conclusion: Realistic simulation as an active teaching method stimulates critical thinking and clinical reasoning, which are amenable to learning and improvement. These reflections refer us to the question that the change in education presupposes caution and extreme dedication of the faculty for implementation and achievement of the method.References
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