Perspectives for Advanced Practice Nursing in Intensive Care Units: A Reflection
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Critical Care
Advanced Practice Nursing
Intensive Care Units Cuidados Críticos
Prática Avançada de Enfermagem
Unidades de Terapia Intensiva

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Objective: To reflect on the actions of advanced practice nursing in the context of intensive care units. Method: This is a theoretical-reflective study based on international literature whose articles refer to the actions of advanced practice nurses in the intensive care environment. Also based on the International Council of Nurses’ Advanced Practice Nursing Guideline. Results: The union of information about the actions of advanced practice nursing in the intensive care environment allowed a reflection that generated nine categories of actions: continuing education, patient education, being a specialized reference in intensive care, research activity, care management, team leadership, family care, multidisciplinary teamwork, and direct patient care. Conclusion: The reflection showed that education, management, and care are the axes of competencies found in advanced practice nursing in intensive care.
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