Family perspective on childhood obesity and its forms of coping: a descriptive study
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Obesidade Pediátrica
Relações Familiares
Enfermagem Pediátrica
Estilo de Vida
Saúde Pública Obesidad Pediátrica
Relaciones Familiares
Enfermería Pediátrica
Estilo de Vida
Salud Pública. Pediatric Obesity
Family Relations
Pediatric Nursing
Life Style
Public Health

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Aim: to identify how the family perceives the health of the child with obesity and what strategies are used to cope with it. Method: descriptive research of qualitative approach. Data were collected between January and May 2014 through interviews with 14 mothers of obese children. The speeches were submitted to Content Analysis and Thematic Modality. Results: it was observed that some families did not recognize obesity as a health problem, while others identified complications. Encouraging healthy eating habits and practicing physical activities were the main coping strategies adopted by families. However, sometimes some practices harmed health. Conclusion: the family seems to recognize childhood obesity as a health problem when the child has complications and is now facing it. Health professionals should be aware of different ways of understanding and coping with childhood obesity so that they can act in a qualified manner.
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